Seniors, Probate and Other Programs
Warmath Realty Group, Ltd. offers unparalleled guidance to those who are overwhelmed at the thought of making a real estate move of any kind! From identifying the most viable preparations for a current home to garner top value, to determining Fair Market Value of that home, there are no steps in the process that we fail to assist with. In similar fashion, that same professional guidance is provided in locating and acquiring the next home the client may want or need. We offer the caliber service and expertise that other Real Estate Groups should strive for, and our track record reflects that time and time again. And if the client needs the assistance of contractors or other professionals to help with the home, we have an incredible stable of professionals we use consistently to assist our clientele. And we have vetted them all personally.
Seminars for Seniors
Smith Senior Center
Christ United Methodist
Hospice of the Piedmont
Ambassadors to Harmony at Greensboro Senior living center
Senior Real Estate Specialists Designation